No, Bill isn’t selling copies of the comic, or even the collected edition. He’s offering the full rights to this comic and story property. Those of you in the know (on the inside, within the loop) will know that DC Comics (or I guess they call themselves DC Entertainment now) recently returned all rights to the comic adventure series Proposition Player back to Bill. Now Bill, who maintains a special fondness for this story (perhaps because so much of it was loosely based on his year as a Proposition Player for the El Cortez Casino in Las Vegas), wants to do something new with it. But he’s swamped with other projects and may never get to it. Therefore he decided to offer the property (and all rights therein) for sale. The price is six million dollars. Yes, it costs exactly one Steve Austin. Is this some sort of silly stunt? “Possibly,” Bill says, “but I’m also serious, to the extent that, if someone meets the price, I’ll keep my promise to sell.”
Bill adds, “When Brad and I built this store, we promised ourselves to try to stock it with something for every budget. And while we do have some things that can be purchased for a modest price, and lots of things for the mid-range collector, we didn’t have anything for the many billionaire entrepreneurs who we know lurk about on this site. Now this corrects that oversight, adding this gem to fit their budgets too.”
Note that the rights include the right to reprint the original six issue comic series, but doesn’t include the printing plates and those other technical bits, which you’ll have to buy separately from DC Entertainment. But they promise to sell such things at their cost, and won’t hold you up in a typical act of piracy one often presumes from giant media corporations. There is only one of this item available.
Bill adds, “When Brad and I built this store, we promised ourselves to try to stock it with something for every budget. And while we do have some things that can be purchased for a modest price, and lots of things for the mid-range collector, we didn’t have anything for the many billionaire entrepreneurs who we know lurk about on this site. Now this corrects that oversight, adding this gem to fit their budgets too.”
Note that the rights include the right to reprint the original six issue comic series, but doesn’t include the printing plates and those other technical bits, which you’ll have to buy separately from DC Entertainment. But they promise to sell such things at their cost, and won’t hold you up in a typical act of piracy one often presumes from giant media corporations. There is only one of this item available.
Product Code: OnE- PropPlay
Product Condition : New

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